Friday, January 24, 2014

Welcome to my Wine Blog!

This is my wine blog for Geography of Wine taught by John Boyer at Virginia Tech. For my own interests and along the same lines, there’s a mirrored blog on Tumblr that will have all this content and more. That one will feature more beer and culture posts than this one will—since I’m taking a wine class this one will predominantly feature just wine.

Anyway, on to an introduction about my wine experience and myself: I am a senior at Virginia Tech studying professional writing. I hope to go enter the complicated, competitive, and far-reaching world of professional writing in just a few months. I’m not sure where this will take me, whether it’s graduate school or a job either in the industry or not. I have many broad skills and am not committed to do something strictly related to what I’ve been studying in college. 

My wine experiences so far have been very limited. In the past year that I’ve been of-age to start consuming alcohol of my choosing (that isn’t whatever Natty swill that’s in the keg) I have done a fair amount of beer tasting and gained a good amount of knowledge on that side of things. My dad even asks me for recommendations when we’re out at dinner on the subject. Wine has been different; I’ve only tried a very limited amount and am interested to try more. Thanks to Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia and Boyer’s wine class, I can do just that.

As far as my tastes are concerned, I’ve tried reds I’ve liked and whites as well—I have very little opinion yet about what I like. It’s also mood dependent just like food and beer. With beers, I tend to gravitate towards darker beers like porters and stouts (Left Hand Milk Stout on a nitro tap is my favorite), but I don’t know yet with wine. Dry wines rather than sweet, maybe, but even that I’m not sure on.

I like local things, so I tend to like Chateau Morrisette’s selection. They’re a winery based just off the Blue Ridge Parkway in Floyd, Virginia. Their red blends are great, especially Red Mountain Laurel, which is a very sweet wine. Other than that, I’ve just tried whatever is in front of me and no wines have especially jumped out as amazing to me yet.

I look forward to using this blog and learning about wine in a great class. Check back for more information and—unless you’re the one grading me here—please go check out my Tumblr for way more wine and beer information.

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